Workshop #3

Accumulations, Sediments, Dispersals: Artworks in Transit
organized by Kristina Pia Hofer, Eva Kernbauer, Marietta Kesting

This workshop addresses the mobility of artworks: the tensions between their movement across borders, nations, cultures and formats, as well as their mobilizing effects in aesthetic, political, social and economic realms. While post-mediality and digitalization suggest limitless fluidity across formats and geographies, effortless transmission and reception, these views are contested by postcolonial perspectives that call attention to the lingering unequal distribution of (material and immaterial) resources, and by the ongoing institutional and economical valorization of artworks as objects tied to their material substance.

Friday, March 31st 2017

10:00-11:00     David Joselit – Authenticity and Terror
11:00-11:40     Tintin Wulia – Within the Leaves a Sight of the Forest, Episode 4 and Q & A (via Skype)
12:00-13:00     Ingeborg Reichle – Performing Cultural Encounters: Historicity and Practice of Slide Collections in Contemporary Art
14:00-15:00     Erika Tan – Oriental Riff/t: After Chinoiserie
15:00-15:40     Hannes Böck – N. 252 Hockender Pavian, Diorit; N. 253 Falke, Amphibolit; N. 255 Falke, Gabbro; N. 256 Hockender Pavian, Diorit; N. 280 Apis-Stier, Diorit.
16:00-17:00     Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt – Sound Sediments and MusickingThings of Color
17:00-18:00     Kathrin Thiele – Entanglement – Non-linear Challenges to Transitional Realities
18:00-18:30     Wrap-up

With works from Hannes Böck and Erika Tan.

With Hannes Böck (Artist, Vienna), Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt (University of Hildesheim, Germany), David Joselit (City University of New York, USA), Ingeborg Reichle (University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria), Erika Tan (Artist, London), Kathrin Thiele (Utrecht University, Netherlands) and Tintin Wulia (Artist, Brisbane).

Franz-Josefs-Kai  3
1010 Vienna, Austria

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Eva Kernbauer

David Joselit

David Joselit

David Joselit

David Joselit

David Joselit

Workshop #3

Tintin Wulia

Tintin Wulia

Tintin Wulia

Workshop #3

Workshop #3

Ingeborg Reichle

Ingeborg Reichle

Ingeborg Reichle

Erika Tan

Erika Tan

Erika Tan

Erika Tan

Hannes Böck

Hannes Böck

Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt

Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt

Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt

Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt

Kathrin Thiele

Kathrin Thiele

Kathrin Thiele

Workshop #3

Workshop #3